Who we are

The great competitiveness of a recently-established company

A story of Excellence

F.A.Max Srl operates in the field of industrial varnishing and is specialised in the processing of metal structures and machinery. It performs industrial sandblasting and varnishing on metals, respecting the customer’s specifications or defining new customised varnishing cycles.

The industrious presence in industrial painting has allowed F.A.Max to gain great competitiveness in the sector thanks to the constant evolution of technologies and a continuous updating of the application methods. Thanks to the collaboration with the “sister” company Blù Max is able to compete on national and international markets, guaranteeing our customers ongoing assistance and total satisfaction.




Qualified Personnel

Certified quality

F.A.Max has always had an eye on the development of the international market, to provide a service that suits the exacting standards of its customers. The quality Certification in compliance with the UNI EN 9001: 2008 standards issued by the BUREAU VERITAS, accredited by SINCERT on 06/05/09 with certificate IT231407, guarantees our customers the compliance of production processes.

Our certifications

Sustainability in every process

F.A.Max Srl, always keeps an eye on the protection of the environment and on the impact of its work, constantly monitoring all the sandblasting and varnishing processes, optimising the consumption of electrical and thermal energy in the cycles, avoiding dispersion excesses for the inflow and outflow of materials.

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